Get Started Building Your Future!

I created this guide because I struggled for years to understand how everything worked & connected with affiliate marketing. Get started learning about the basics of affiliate marketing with this free guide.

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Copy-writing was a huge hurdle for me to overcome. Even know I am still learning and growing. I created this guide to give you an idea of what its all about!

Just fill out the info below & it will get sent to you right away!

All About Niche's

Learning about niche's and how to pick the right one for you and your business! If you have been struggling with picking or finding the perfect niche then this guide may help!

Bonus Niche Checklist to help you get started!

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Why you wait check out my website & see if anything else may help you in your journey!

Pinterest for Business

I LOVE Pinterest! I always struggled with getting started & understanding the basics to how it all works! I created this guide to help you get started with your business account & getting familiar with everything Pinterest!

Just fill out the info below & this guide will get sent right away to you!



Ultimate Scheduler

If you are using Pinterest for your business then try Tailwinds to help automate your pinning schedule & save time!

Fill out the info below to get the guide sent to you right away!

Overcoming Obstacles

When you are starting a business there are so many things that seem to stand in your way!

My biggest obstacle to overcome was myself! I created this worksheet that helped me begin to overcome some of my own challenges!

I hope you find it useful!


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Hey there! It's Becca

A little about me!

I am so thankful you are here learning more about who I am!

I have been married for over twenty years! EEEKKK..... that's so crazy to me, but so awesome too!

I have two beautiful miracles that God blessed me with! They are my heart walking around. I love Jesus & live my life as best as I can for him!

I was a stay at home mamma for over 11 years and what a blessing that has been. But it was also a struggle financially. Going from two incomes, great insurance, some extra cash in the bank to barely making ends meet week to week or month to month was a drastic change.

I ventured to find ways to contribute in various ways. Consigning kids clothes to buy them new ones, doing the "extreme couponing", working part time in the evenings as a waitress a couple nights a week, and trying to figure out how to make some money online.

Needless to say the making money online & extreme couponing didn't work out that well for me. The couponing was great for toiletries but I never had success with the food aspect. I always tried to get food for free, but that was a no go!

The making money online was a struggle from the start. I signed up for all the survey sites, tried to become a mystery shopper but that just lead me to a subscription form that I had to pick one and purchase to become eligible for mystery shopping! AARRGGHH....

I tried multiple MLM's that just took money and was a complete waste of my time and effort. I had so many emails flooding my inbox that I could not keep up with what I was supposed to do and when or where! I thought it was supposed to be easy!


If you were as broke as I was then you'd understand the terror and frustration of everyone giving you breadcrumbs to lure you in just to have their hand out for a serious amount of money, that I simply could never do.

Fast forward to April of 2020: The Pandemic...I had been working as a middle school teachers assistant in a special needs classroom. I loved the kiddos & their families, but it was such a demanding job physically & mentally that by the time I got home every night I literally had nothing left to give my own family. Which only added stress to my mental health.

I had dedicated my life for 11 years to my kids, my husband, and making our home a comfortable place to be; which became a struggle and frustration to trying to get everything done. Making breakfast, lunch, and dinners became a chore instead of something I enjoyed. Doing laundry, grocery shopping & running errands just became a burden.

Needless to say I was really unhappy.

I lived for the weekends just to be able to sleep-in, and recover. I became a hermit, I never wanted to leave the house or do anything extra. Life was just about rinse and repeat.

When the pandemic happened and the schools (world) shut down, I was now back to being with family. I was able to dedicate time (precious time) to my world. I went through a lot of emotions and mental healing during the first six months.

I realized that my family is the most important job I have in this life and I needed to find a way to be able to make them my priority again.

So the search began...

I found a course that cost me less than 2 McDonald's combos and it changed the course of my career life. I learned so much through that education & truly am so happy that I made that scary decision to take it...

I mean I had been given bread crumbs multiple times before, but this was the right place the right timing!I have discovered that my career path is not just about making money online but too also help others that struggle to learn (like I did) get started without breaking the bank.

If I can help one person learn how to create some extra cash, or better yet enough to replace their income and leave the rat race or even just have options, I am successful!

I love to help people by sharing my journey of creating my own business from the comfort of my home & the hours I decide to give.It has not been easy, but nothing in life worth while is easy, you do have to work for it!

But if your like me than hard work is not the problem it is having the knowledge you need to be able to work hard!

Thank you for reading this & finding out a little bit about me!

To your Success,


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