Get Started Building Your Future!

I created this guide because I struggled for years to understand how everything worked & connected with affiliate marketing. Get started learning about the basics of affiliate marketing with this free guide.

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Copy-writing was a huge hurdle for me to overcome. Even know I am still learning and growing. I created this guide to give you an idea of what its all about!

Just fill out the info below & it will get sent to you right away!

All About Niche's

Learning about niche's and how to pick the right one for you and your business! If you have been struggling with picking or finding the perfect niche then this guide may help!

Bonus Niche Checklist to help you get started!

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Why you wait check out my website & see if anything else may help you in your journey!

Pinterest for Business

I LOVE Pinterest! I always struggled with getting started & understanding the basics to how it all works! I created this guide to help you get started with your business account & getting familiar with everything Pinterest!

Just fill out the info below & this guide will get sent right away to you!



Ultimate Scheduler

If you are using Pinterest for your business then try Tailwinds to help automate your pinning schedule & save time!

Fill out the info below to get the guide sent to you right away!

Overcoming Obstacles

When you are starting a business there are so many things that seem to stand in your way!

My biggest obstacle to overcome was myself! I created this worksheet that helped me begin to overcome some of my own challenges!

I hope you find it useful!


Get this guide to help you start your TikTok account! Just fill out the info below to have it sent right to your email!

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Hey! It's Becca

Facebook for Business

Facebook; like other social media platforms, is not just for personal use!

Most social media sites have become a moving force for business to connect with targeted audiences & make their business known!

The possibilities are endless!

Quick Backstory

I'm gonna be totally, 100% honest with you! I hated Facebook (still not crazy about it).

For personal use it became this scrolling obsession of checking out posts of everyone's lives which made me feel crappy about mine... Not to mention the drama & gossip... ugh!

So I deleted Facebook (or so I thought!). It's actually pretty hard to delete Facebook.

Anyways... it wasn't until I started my online business in August of 2020 that I began the Facebook business adventure.

Here are some things that I have learned about the benefits of using Facebook...

Difference Between Business Page & Group

A business page is a great place to promote your brand. A private group is an opportunity to connect, inform & create relationships with people

Paid Traffic vs. Organic Traffic

Paid ads to get traffic to your site can be very successful, but organic traffic can also be successful in bringing in leads and business.

Potential Reach to Customers

Even though there are multiple social media platforms; Facebook still has millions of worldwide users searching for things & wanting to connect with others.

Scheduling Posts & Automated Responses

As a business owner time management is incredibly important especially when you are posting content to several media outlets. Facebook has many options for scheduling and creating automated responses.

Going Live & Uploading Videos

One of my favorite aspects of Facebook is the ease of uploading videos. If you have ever tried to upload videos to certain cites it can be time consuming or you have to pay for a service. With Facebook it is really easy & free! Going "Live" is a great way to answer questions, teach, or give tips in real time.

Connections within Groups 

If you are new to the online business world & being an entrepreneur it can feel lonely at times. Joining private groups that are in the same niche or that are about content ideas, or copy-writing tips, etc... can really be helpful, not to mention build relationships! 

How to Start...

When I first started I linked my business page to my old Facebook profile (the one I thought I deleted) well I guess I didn't!

I did this because a mentor of mine advised that having a older profile that is established even if it's not for business is better than a brand new business profile that isn't trustworthy yet.

Facebook is incredibly strict and sensitive to how businesses conduct things on their platform. I highly recommend taking the time to read through their "terms of use". 

On your business page is where you would run your pad ads through Facebook's ad manager, and if you are a brand new "business account" vs an established account linked to a business page; Facebook will be less likely to shut your business page down or suspend your ads account.

Facebook is really difficult to navigate, especially if you are running ads. If you are interested in running ads I suggest taking the same course that I took to get it started. 

Difference Between Business Page & Private Group

Business Page

So a business page is connected to your personal page but you have the choice to display it to the people you have friends with on your personal profile or not. 

Your business page gives information, links, daily posts, ability for your audience to connect and ask questions etc... It really is a great way to get personal relationships with people that are interested in what your business is about.

One thing that I would highly recommend is creating your business page then running a "likes campaign" for ten days and it cost me $15 bucks.

The best part is how many likes & leads I got from that little amount of effort! The big dynamite is when you get your business page up and going but then link your Facebook Private Group where people that are interested in learning more about you and what you have to offer can join for free and connect even further.

Private Group

If you don't want to create a Facebook Business page that's ok, but there are so many benefits to a Private Facebook Group.

OK so I started posting my content on TikTok and it's an amazing free traffic source (check out my out my page on TikTok) but there are a few things that I found hard & counter-productive.

First one is the messages! UGH... Sending & receiving messages is really time-consuming. The other problem is going LIVE on TikTok; it is soooooo frustrating. There is a huge time delay in people who ask questions or comment on something you are talking about by the time you get it you have already moved onto other topics.

I say all that to encourage a Facebook group because going live is much much better & easier to interact with the audience, as well as you can set up automated messages to answer the tons of questions & messages you get.

Having a Private Facebook group is a great way to promote your brand, who you are, & what you & your business are all about. 

Paid Traffic vs Organic Traffic

This is just based on my personal experience which gives me my opinion about what I like and what I feel works for me and my business. Everyone has their own opinion on what works & what doesn't work. So here is my opinion on paying for traffic or using organic traffic.

Paid Traffic

So a business page is connected to your personal page but you have the choice to display it to the people  in your personal profile or you can keep it separate. 

Your business page gives information, links, daily posts, ability for your audience to connect and ask questions etc... It really is a great way to get personal relationships with people that are interested in what your business is about. One thing that I would highly recommend is creating your business page then running a "likes campaign" for ten days; it cost me $15 bucks.

The best part is how many likes & leads I got from that little amount of effort!

The big dynamite is when you get your business page up and going but then link your Facebook Private Group where people that are interested in learning more about you and what you have to offer can join your private group  and connect even further.

Organic Traffic

If you don't want to create a Facebook Business page that's ok, but there are so many benefits to a Private Facebook Group.

Organic traffic is my favorite way to get connected with my targeted audience. IT"S FREE!!

Organic traffic can be tricky & may take a little longer to see results, but if you are on a budget and just starting out organic methods can be the best way to go. 

All social media outlets are FREE to use & most of them have the ability to reach tons of people searching for what you have to offer them.

Facebook is a great place to start!

Automated Posts & Scheduling

There is never enough time in the day. When you run a business finding the time to get everything accomplished is a big task; especially if you are using several social media outlets. Not to mention keeping everything flowing and with a purpose.

Facebook has a few benefits that can help you out with meeting your daily goals and tasks.

Scheduling Posts

In a perfect setting; lets say you have become very well organized and have your content planned out for a week at a time; or if you are SUPER organized you have it planned out for a month or longer.

I have not gotten there yet, but either way you can use Facebook's tool that allows you to create posts and schedule for the time & day you want it to post! TIME SAVER!

Automated Responses

I personally don't like the automated response option because it is very impersonal to me, but the option is available.

Let's say someone joins your private group and you have it set-up to send a welcome message with some instructions to introducing themselves to the group, rules of the group, etc... It saves time but also allows you to concentrate on other tasks without leaving someone hanging!

But it's a personal choice to use it and how you use it.

Live Videos & Uploading Videos

If you have used TikTok's Live feature then you know how frustrating it can be to try to answer questions, talk about something specific and really engage in the audience. It honestly is the one feature that has so much potential but also is the most frustrating to use. With Facebook they have TikTok beat with going "live"

Live Video

Using Facebooks "live" feature you can do SOOO much. You can give a detailed "how to" video and show in real time how to do something step-by-step. Don't get me wrong you can do this with TikTok to but it really isn't as functional to me (my opinion). Along with live videos you have the ability to answer questions quickly and with much more ease. To me live videos on Facebook is the greatest feature!

Uploading Videos

So if you have ever tried to upload a video to one of your funnels you more than likely have needed to have an "extra" software subscription. So that is just one more subscription you have to keep up with...

Anyways uploading videos to Facebook right from your phone is really simple just like making a TikTok video. It is also a great way to share something exciting, demonstrate something specific, or give updates.  

Connections & Reach

Just like with any other social media platform you use for your business your main goal is to build connections with people but also to continue to build up your business. Facebook is not the only way to do this but the potential is still pretty great!


There are many different types of business owners and business goals. Some just like to sell there product, some like to pay for traffic through ads and then there are some that of course like to sell their products by organic reach & paid reach. I personally don't like paid ads. I like the organic reach because it helps build up connections with others. It is more personal & real!

I like Facebook business page for running a likes campaign, where Facebook sends out your business page to a targeted audience. You do pay for this "campaign" but it is no where near the expense of paid ads. I paid $15 for a ten day campaign and brought in 800 page likes & many leads.

When they get to your business page they have an opportunity to learn about you and your business and then (if you have it set up) join your private group! There you can build up multiple connections, trust & relationships with others that are interested your specific niche.  


There are many businesses that use Facebook paid ads to reach specific, targeted groups of people. People are always searching for something, but the main point is to get people that are interested in your niche market, your brand. Facebook does just that. has a great article on using Facebook and it's benefits for your business. 

 check it out here 

Go For It!!

Facebook as everything else I recommend are just from my personal experience and are my opinions from those experiences.

Facebook can be a great benefit for your business. The key is to just start! If you would like some great tutorials that I have watched that really helped me set up my Private Facebook Group check out the links below.

Maybe one day I will get a guide set-up, but trial and error can be the best teacher! 

Linsay Moore has a great step-by-step tutorial on creating a Facebook Group Click Here to watch here video

Desiree Martinez has a great step-by-step tutorial on creating a Facebook Page Click Here to watch here video

How I learned

When I first set-up my Facebook Ads Manager account and created my business page, it was on a live step-by-step training webinar. It was packed full of information that was an overload!

In the training you were also taught step-by-step how to start a likes campaign and running your first Facebook ads. it is called "Business Blueprints"

IF you are interested in taking this same training it will be an investment on your part. It is very helpful & amazing and worth it. Click below to get started like I did. 

Yes! I want to Learn

***Disclaimer*** The above link is my affiliate link, if you click on it and make a purchase I will receive a commission at no extra cost or bother to you. I only promote products that I have personally tried and find value you in. 

Be sure to join my Private Facebook Group that is all about learning affiliate marketing together!

Private Facebook Group

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