Get Started Building Your Future!

I created this guide because I struggled for years to understand how everything worked & connected with affiliate marketing. Get started learning about the basics of affiliate marketing with this free guide.

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Copy-writing was a huge hurdle for me to overcome. Even know I am still learning and growing. I created this guide to give you an idea of what its all about!

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All About Niche's

Learning about niche's and how to pick the right one for you and your business! If you have been struggling with picking or finding the perfect niche then this guide may help!

Bonus Niche Checklist to help you get started!

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Why you wait check out my website & see if anything else may help you in your journey!

Pinterest for Business

I LOVE Pinterest! I always struggled with getting started & understanding the basics to how it all works! I created this guide to help you get started with your business account & getting familiar with everything Pinterest!

Just fill out the info below & this guide will get sent right away to you!



Ultimate Scheduler

If you are using Pinterest for your business then try Tailwinds to help automate your pinning schedule & save time!

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Overcoming Obstacles

When you are starting a business there are so many things that seem to stand in your way!

My biggest obstacle to overcome was myself! I created this worksheet that helped me begin to overcome some of my own challenges!

I hope you find it useful!


Get this guide to help you start your TikTok account! Just fill out the info below to have it sent right to your email!

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Hey! It's Becca

You Gotta Try It!

Have you heard about TikTok? If you haven't then stick around! If you have heard about it but haven't started using it for your business....

Get Started!!!

Seriously, put your fears & doubts aside and get started using it to market your business & brand. Out of all the social media platforms it is the most popular and growing fast!

Did I mention that it's FREE!!!

If you have read anything from me then you know that I am all about Free, especially to run your business on a budget!

Tik Tok

TikTok is actually how I got into affiliate marketing in August of 2020! Chances are that is how you found ME!

So YES... YES... YES... it works!

If you haven't heard of TikTok it replaced & Byte-Dance which was an app that allowed users to create videos with music.

TikTok is the same principal just BETTER.

When TikTok first came into existence it was mostly for teens & pre-teens dancing and lip-syncing to their favorite songs; but how it has changed!

It has now evolved into people from all over the world making content in so many different topics, trends and niches for just about anything!

How does it Work


TikTok is an app that you can download on your phone, tablet and P.C. But it works best and really is meant for cell phones and tablets.

You can create 15 to 60 second videos to share with anyone and with any topic. TikTok will push your video out to other users and see how long the watch time is, for example if you have a 60 second video and the user watches it all the way to the end or for only 10 seconds; if someone likes it, pushes the heart icon on the screen; if someone shares it with someone else or comments on your video.

The more interaction the more it will get pushed out to others. Like with any other social media app you can follow others and also have others follow you.

Sometimes you have videos that flop, then you will have one that goes viral and brings in hundreds to thousands of followers!

The fun part about TikTok is that it allows you to use your creativity & just be you!  


Getting Started

I am no expert on TikTok , but I can help you get started and give you some helpful tips that I have learned along the way.

One thing I think is important to talk about that I discovered about myself is "followers". When I first started on TikTok all I could do was obsess about how many followers I gained daily. I think this reflected in my earlier videos I created, instead of concentrating on finding ways to connect with the right audience and critique my videos and change things around I just hyper-focused on numbers.

What I learned is that when I actually starting making content that was more "me" I started to make real connections with people. I have made so many new friends and actually talk on the phone, discuss business, and help each other out!

So focus on building connections, not followers.

Quality not Quantity.

Create Account

First you need to download the app from Google Play or the App Store or you can go here and use my referral link. Create your account, give a description of what your page is about, add a profile picture, choose what type of an account you will want; creator, business or personal.


Once your account is set-up and created I would do some research on what sounds, hashtags, and features are trending. There are places on the web that will help you discover what is trending, plus there are people on TikTok that post reguarlly about whats trending.

Finding Others

One thing about being a business owner of any kind is that sometimes it can seem like you are all alone, no one can relate to you and what you are going through.

I suggest finding people on TikTok that are in the same niche as you are and follow them (if you find their content valuable) and even interact on their videos. It is a great way to make connections, get inspiration and support each other.

Plan Your Content

One of the biggest mistakes I made was that I didn't take the time to plan out my content and videos.

So I struggled to find out what I was going to post daily. Sometimes it would take me all day to make three videos to post!

I struggled with everything being perfect, but also struggled with what the heck I was going to talk about. Plan out how many videos a day and plan what each video is going to be about.

I would also recommend "dueting" or "stitching" some viral videos within your niche, it helps those tokkers, but also helps you too! 

Create Videos

Now it's the fun and creative part! Start making your videos! Some video tips I can give you.

Shorter videos have always worked better for me around 7-10 seconds! The attention span of people is short to say the least, so you have at most 6 seconds to catch the attention of your audience or they will move on.

Adding text & music to my videos has also helped, even the videos where I am answering a question & talking. 


Most important tips, I can give you. When I first started I was so scared and nervous of putting myself out there ; yet I did it anyway and I have some pointers that I hope will help you be successful. 

Plan out Your Content

Some of the biggest challenges in making TikToks is "what do you say", "what do you do", "what does others want to see or hear". Something that I never did at first until recently is planning out my weekly content. Have a purpose to each video, make sure you stay relevent to your page, and that each video provides value or entertainment.

Be Consistent

There are many opinions about how much to post a day, times of the day to post, how long each video should be, what hashtags you should use. But the truth is the most important aspect of your page is that you provide information or entertaining videos that people want to see! Meaning you could make 6 videos that aren't engaging to others and flop or 2 videos that engage others and that video goes viral. Just post engaging content consistently.  

Be Yourself

Nobody likes a fake person, and most people can tell if you are acting or being legit. When you are making a video don't think about how many people are gonna see it, think like you are face timing a friend and being yourself!

Be Entertaining, Helpful & Informative

Your sole purpose in TikToks should be about you or your business. You need to provide value, helpful information that will help solve problems, or make people smile or laugh or just move people! No matter what, remember you want to be real and connect with others~ 

Going Live

Whatever account you go with, whether you choose personal, creator or business, you have to wait until you reach 1000 followers before you can go "Live". When you get to that point I suggest going live at least three times a week (even though I don't like it) and plan out what you are going to talk about. 

Hashtags & Trending Sounds

Make sure before you upload your video that you have relevant hashtags to what you are talking about in your video as well as adding a trending sound to the background even if your talking, you can adjust the volume. I also suggest adding subtitles to your videos. 

My last piece of advice to you.....

Get Comfy being UnComfy!

To help you with TikTok and getting leads check out this course that I took "15 Second Free Leads". It helps but no matter what you just have to go for it and start. If you need help getting your account set-up click here to get my free guide!

****Disclaimer*** Some of the links on this site are my affiliate links. If you click on one & make a purchase I will earn a small commission with no extra cost to you. Everything I promote I have tried and have some value it provides.

Click here if you would like to get my Free Guide to starting up your TikTok account!
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