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Copy-writing was a huge hurdle for me to overcome. Even know I am still learning and growing. I created this guide to give you an idea of what its all about!

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All About Niche's

Learning about niche's and how to pick the right one for you and your business! If you have been struggling with picking or finding the perfect niche then this guide may help!

Bonus Niche Checklist to help you get started!

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Pinterest for Business

I LOVE Pinterest! I always struggled with getting started & understanding the basics to how it all works! I created this guide to help you get started with your business account & getting familiar with everything Pinterest!

Just fill out the info below & this guide will get sent right away to you!



Ultimate Scheduler

If you are using Pinterest for your business then try Tailwinds to help automate your pinning schedule & save time!

Fill out the info below to get the guide sent to you right away!

Overcoming Obstacles

When you are starting a business there are so many things that seem to stand in your way!

My biggest obstacle to overcome was myself! I created this worksheet that helped me begin to overcome some of my own challenges!

I hope you find it useful!


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Hey! It's Becca

Let's Talk About Pinterest

I love Pinterest!!!

Before I started using Pinterest for my business I used it for years for my personal interests & inspiration. Like searching for DIY projects, making ornaments, recipes, etc...

But there is so much more you can do with Pinterest for your business! Not only can you find inspiration & information but you can also boost traffic to your business.


So What is Pinterest

Think of Pinterest as a Google search engine but with images; a visual search engine.

Pinterest describes the platform like this “Pinterest is a visual bookmarking tool that helps you discover & save creative ideas.” Since 2010 people have searched Pinterest for DIY projects, crafts, dog training tips, recipes, birthday party ideas, etc...

More than likely whatever you are searching for you will be able to find something about it on Pinterest. Pinterest has continued to evolve and grow from just a platform of sharing ideas & interests to a driving force for business owners from many different niches.

According to Pinterest it has over 335 million global active users! And the best part is it is free to use for your business or brand! Let's start out with some keywords that you need to be familiar with when using Pinterest.

Keywords to Know


SEO on Pinterest: What does SEO mean; Search Engine Optimization, this is where you rank at the top of the search engine with the use of certain keywords and hashtags that you use to describe your pins. Just like in Google, you want to rank high in the SEO on Pinterest


Pins: these are the visual images that present themselves on Pinterest users feed. Think of them as a visual billboard for your brand or business.                                                         

Rich Pins

Rich Pins: are pins that have extra information on the pin that give opportunity to higher click rates; you have to apply with Pinterest for Rich Pins.

Promoted Pins

Promoted Pins: are pins like Facebook or Google ads. You pay to have them pushed out to a targeted audience, I like using Pinterest promoted pins to reach a specific targeted audience.

Pinning or Re-pinning

Re-Pin: repining is a great way to make Pinterest happy and share others pins. It is advised by some that you should pin more of others pins (within your target audience) to your boards than your own pins daily.


Boards: Boards are a way for you to organize your pins and help your viewers/customers find what they are looking for with ease. If someone is following you on Pinterest and they click on your profile they will be able to see all your boards. It just is a way of organizing your pins.

Here's an example: Your business is centered around health. You create and name a board that is related to "healthy recipes", another board that is related to "at home workout routines during a pandemic", and another board that is related to "keto dieting 101", etc...

Within each of those boards you have created pins that are related to that specific topic and will connect the viewer to products, blog posts or a landing page. The name of your board needs to be descriptive to what pins the audience will find inside.

How Does it Work?

Pinterest works just like the Google search engine. You type in whatever you are searching for; for example: how to make money online. Google will bring up the best & most popular results by keywords and phrases used (SEO).

Pinterest, like Google brings up many different search results but they are visual images (PINS) combined with short text to engage and capture the attention of the viewer. Think about Pins this way; You are walking though the mall and you see an outfit in the window of a store.

You think HMMMMM...

I like that and you walk into the store to investigate further. This is exactly what a Pin does; it is a sneak peek into what you have to offer the customers.

Just like with a department stores display window, your Pins need to be eye catching & make the viewer want to click on your pin and find out more.  

How to Get Started

Many moons ago when I created my account on Pinterest but it was for personal use.

When I started my business I decided to create an account specifically centered around my brand and keeping everything separate.

With Pinterest there terms of service and guidelines are very specific in what you can & can't do with each type of account. To put links in your pins you must have a business account, not personal.

To read more about the business guidelines click here. 

Setting up your Account

If you have an existing personal account and want to switch it to a business account you can do that pretty easily. This will allow you to keep everything you have already saved.

The only set-back (in my opinion) is if your business is centered around weight-loss & dieting and you have saved pins in your personal account for birthday party themes or how to knit for beginners the boards and pins may leave people who want to follow you a little confused. Not to mention it could be a little hard to keep everything organized.

Creating a brand new business account is also pretty simple, you create your account with your business name, boards & pins centered around your business.

Business Account

Once your account is set up most people will tell you to just start creating pins. I agree getting pins created is important, but you need to have a game plan and strategy in place.

In my opinion the next step is to create at least 7 boards. Each board needs to be specific to a certain product or part of your business.

For example; making money online, social media tips for marketing, content creations... etc...

Boards are important for you to stay organized but also for followers to see into your business and what you have to offer.

Creating Boards

Once your account is set up most people will tell you to just start creating pins. I agree getting pins created is important, but you need to have a game plan and strategy in place.

In my opinion the next step is to create at least 7 boards. Each board needs to be specific to a certain product or part of your business.

For example; making money online, social media tips for marketing, content creations... etc...

Boards are important for you to stay organized but also for followers to see into your business and what you have to offer.

Creating Pins

How many pins a day and to what boards. Everything I have ever read on this says 20-50 pins a day but it stops there.

How many per board, how many of others pins that are within your niche, how to schedule them so your not within Pinterest all day.....

Creating pins is really the simple part about Pinning on Pinterest but everything else is the challenge, or at least for me.

Creating a Schedule

Above I mentioned how difficult it was for me to figure out how to schedule pins at the best times for Pinterest.

Well there is a really unique platform that has partnered with Pinterest that truly helps out with this issue. It is called Tailwinds!

Not only is this platform partnered with Pinterest but it has also partnered with Instagram & Facebook! But we are just gonna stick to Pinterest for now.

Tailwinds is the ultimate Pinterest scheduler. Since they have partnered with Pinterest they know the best times to schedule as well as following Pinterest rules & guidelines.

Tailwinds can be difficult to navigate & figure out, so go check out my page about Tailwinds and get my free guide to help you get started with them. 

Are you Ready to Start on Pinterest?

Pinterest is an amazing marketing tool that so many businesses are missing out on. Not just specific business types but really all types of businesses can use Pinterest to drive traffic to their site & brand.

But so many business & small start up businesses like myself are overwhelmed with how to get it started.

How I learned

I understand how hard and confusing it can be to get started & not feel like you are wasting so much time with little results.

When I first started using Pinterest for personal use I would find so many pins from bloggers telling you how to make money on Pinterest. Everything I read about was so confusing & I felt like I was turning in circles because nothing was fully explained.

I hope this post gives some clarity for you & I also created a Free Guide to starting up your Pinterest Business account; so make sure to get it!

Be sure to join my Private Facebook Group that is all about learning affiliate marketing together!

Private Facebook Group

Get in touch with me by e-mail! [email protected]I check it daily and would love to hear from you! Ask me questions and tell me where you are at in your journey.

I check my email daily and will get back to you, maybe not right away but I will get back to you!

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