Get Started Building Your Future!

I created this guide because I struggled for years to understand how everything worked & connected with affiliate marketing. Get started learning about the basics of affiliate marketing with this free guide.

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Copy-writing was a huge hurdle for me to overcome. Even know I am still learning and growing. I created this guide to give you an idea of what its all about!

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All About Niche's

Learning about niche's and how to pick the right one for you and your business! If you have been struggling with picking or finding the perfect niche then this guide may help!

Bonus Niche Checklist to help you get started!

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Pinterest for Business

I LOVE Pinterest! I always struggled with getting started & understanding the basics to how it all works! I created this guide to help you get started with your business account & getting familiar with everything Pinterest!

Just fill out the info below & this guide will get sent right away to you!



Ultimate Scheduler

If you are using Pinterest for your business then try Tailwinds to help automate your pinning schedule & save time!

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Overcoming Obstacles

When you are starting a business there are so many things that seem to stand in your way!

My biggest obstacle to overcome was myself! I created this worksheet that helped me begin to overcome some of my own challenges!

I hope you find it useful!


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Hey there! It's Becca

What is an Email Auto-Responder??

Starting out in the online business world you have probably heard of many terms but have no clue what the purpose or definition of them mean; at least that's how I was when I first started my online business.

One of the essential tools needed for ANY business is email marketing; a.k.a, email auto-responder. 

I have had to do alot of research, trial & error and just learning from struggling how to connect email marketing to my biz.... So let's get to it

E-mail Marketing

Email Marketing is essential for any business to grow and stay connected with their audience & customers.

The definition of email marketing is using emails to promote, advertise products while building a relationship with your audience/customers. Instead of sending out emails per person you can set up a mass email delivery and have the ability to be very targeted who gets what email and when!

OK, OK you are probably thinking about all those SPAM emails you receive on the daily....Right???

Wrong, if email marketing is used for just the primary use of selling or promoting products then you are missing the point. To have a successful click open rate you need to provide value and build connections with people, to where they are looking forward to opening your email and reading it!

If you are constantly sending emails out everyday with a new promotion or "here you need this to be successful" or "hurry, before this deal goes away" or better yet, "this is a once in a lifetime opportunity" then your Unsubscribe rate is going to get really high. 

Granted this is my personal opinion, but I also would rather build a lasting relationship of value and trust then make a quick dollar!

When I first got started the terms email marketing & copy-writing were hard to comprehend. I struggled for a long time to figure it out, and honestly I still don't have it all figured out, but the most important thing I have learned is to always provide value in EVERY email you send!

I created a free guide to Copy-writing that you can get that's all about the basics.

So lets talk about the two email auto-responders that I have tried....

Copy-Writing Guide

Which Platform to Use?

It is very important to find a good and reliable email marketing platform to use.But there are so many out there to choose from so how do you know? Well, it all depends on you, the features that your business needs and the pricing.

When I first started I used AWeber, because like the funnel builder platform other successful business owners recommended them. Not to mention I was walked through step-by-step on how to connect all this to my funnel and professional email. But that being said, when it was time foe me to spread my entrepreneurial wings and create my own emails (instead of email swipes of someone else's) I was LOST... I mean LOST..

I spent around a month seeking help, watching videos, and using the customer chats to try to get this working and I struggled. I thought hmmmm... there are so many of these platforms out there maybe one of them is easier to use.

So I found Active Campaign. I have not looked back. Active Campaign was very user friendly for me and I got all my contacts switched over, created my first email campaign and find it much easier to use and navigate. That being said....

No matter what someone recommends successful or not every user is going to have their own opinions and preferences. For instance I have several affiliate marketer friends that love AWeber and hate Active Campaign because they feel that AWeber is easier to use! So it's all in the individual.

AWeber is a great platform and they have a free version that also allows you to set up landing pages for FREE. With Awebers free plan you get 500 subscriber limit, 3,000 emails allowed per month and 1 list profile; plus a landing page option. If you are just learning and starting an online business this maybe a great option for you. As far as the platform itself goes I never had an issue of emails not getting sent, glitches, or high return rate. I just found it difficult to navigate.

Active Campaign has a free trial but not a free plan like AWeber. Their lowest plan is the "lite" which costs $9 a month. With the lite plan you get 500 subscriber limit, unlimited emails monthly, marketing automation, newsletters. 

I think both platforms are really great, I personally like Active Campaign because it is more user friendly for me!

If you are ready to set up your email auto-responder there is a link for both platforms. I am an affiliate for both companies and if you click on the link and make a purchase I will earn a commission from the company, with no extra cost or bother to you.

Check out AWeber Free Plan Check out Active Campaign Free Guide to Copy-Writing

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