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I created this guide because I struggled for years to understand how everything worked & connected with affiliate marketing. Get started learning about the basics of affiliate marketing with this free guide.

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Copy-writing was a huge hurdle for me to overcome. Even know I am still learning and growing. I created this guide to give you an idea of what its all about!

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All About Niche's

Learning about niche's and how to pick the right one for you and your business! If you have been struggling with picking or finding the perfect niche then this guide may help!

Bonus Niche Checklist to help you get started!

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Pinterest for Business

I LOVE Pinterest! I always struggled with getting started & understanding the basics to how it all works! I created this guide to help you get started with your business account & getting familiar with everything Pinterest!

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Ultimate Scheduler

If you are using Pinterest for your business then try Tailwinds to help automate your pinning schedule & save time!

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Overcoming Obstacles

When you are starting a business there are so many things that seem to stand in your way!

My biggest obstacle to overcome was myself! I created this worksheet that helped me begin to overcome some of my own challenges!

I hope you find it useful!


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Hey there! It's Becca

Why did I switch from ClickFunnels to GrooveFunnels?

When I first started my business with Affiliate Marketing in August of 2020, I followed the advice of other successful entrepreneurs.

I don't believe that I was lead astray because most funnel builder platforms are all the same, just slight differences. Like ease of use, options that are offered are varied from one to the next and of course the cost of using them. 

So I want to share my experience of using two of the funnel builder platforms and which one I enjoy using the most.

Like everything in life, my opinions are based on my own personal experience and use of these platforms. Let's get started!

ClickFunnels or GrooveFunnels

As a beginner you go with what is recommended to you by mentors and other successful business people. So there is a learning curve of what works best for you; what you like & don't like about certain companies or software etc...

There are ups & downs, trial & error & frustrating moments until you find what you like and which platform performs well. I am not an expert, nor have I tried all the funnel building software companies out there on the web.... but I have tried two of them and this is my opinion on which one is better and more valuable for beginners.

I started out with ClickFunnels & used them for almost 9 months, but then switched to Groove. 

When I started with ClickFunnels I literally was walked through & given my first funnel set up. All I had to do was follow the videos and change the right areas within the funnel. The good thing about this was I got up and running quickly, the downside was I had no clue how to fix or change anything without messing something up in the funnel up!

Trial & Error!

ClickFunnels platform is really great, everything works, I hardly any issues or system bugs, their customer service is good & why did I leave?

I looked into "Landing pages" which some email marketing companies are providing with their monthly subscriptions, Like AWeber, Active Campaign, Builderall... But I found them to be difficult to navigate & certain elements were missing that you get from a funnel builder platform.So the search continued and I came across GrooveFunnels.

I like the fact that Groove will eventually be an all in one site... but also that even with the free plan you are an affiliate the moment you create your account & can start earning commissions.

#1. Cost

Starting a business of any kind requires some kind of financial commitment and you need to invest in products that will be beneficial but not break the bank too. 

ClickFunnels monthly membership cost for the basic plan is $97 a month. Don't get me wrong anytime you have your own business you are going to have expenses, but there are many other ways to make a funnel or landing page for your business that are more cost effective; especially when your just starting out.

When I started looking into different funnel builders I came across another affiliate who suggested GrooveFunnels.

With GrooveFunnels the famous saying "you get what you pay for" came to mind because they have a FREE funnel builder membership. Needless to say I was cautious about getting involved with their platform because it was free but also because they are still in BETA mode; meaning that their website is still working out bugs, kinks and setting up certain features.

I created my free account and have enjoyed the platform. It is very similar to ClickFunnels so I just watched some excellent YouTube videos on getting things set up and I have to say I am very satisfied with the Free version.

Yes there are issues that arise but the customer support is exceptional to help resolve issues; one of the best I have encountered.

So $97 a month vs FREE monthly is not the only reason I recommend Groove....

I like the fact that Groove will eventually be an all in one site... but also that even with the free plan you are an affiliate the moment you create your account & can start earning commissions.

#2. Affiliate Program

The second reason I recommend GrooveFunnels is their affiliate program. As an affiliate marketer you earn your incomes from promoting products, and of course promoting the products that I use for my business was an essential point.

With ClickFunnels you have to meet certain criteria in order to promote their 14 Day Free Trial. I started with the 14 day free trial, so why can't I promote with that? Anyways... the only other options to promote was an eBook, or other products that I hadn't even tried. I give my opinions based on what I know because of the experiences with the products, I pride myself on only promoting what I can give honest feedback about. Needless to say I never made a dime being an affiliate for them, which was meant to help offset the monthly cost.

Another drawback to ClickFunnels was signing up to become an affiliate for them. You apply like most other companies and set up your account, sounds easy right? Well as a beginner I found this to be incredibly confusing and daunting. So why is Groove's affiliate better?

With Groove as soon as you create your free account you automatically have an affiliate i.d. and access to email swipes, images, videos and of course your affiliate link. But the best part is the way Groove has organized their affiliate program.

For one you can promote the free version and if someone goes through your affiliate link they are cookied to you for life. That sounds scary, but all that means is that if that person doesn't do anything for like a year then comes back through another person's link you will still earn a portion of the commission.

Also with the Free version you can still earn 20% commissions if the customer upgrades! So if I still have the free version and someone decides to upgrade I still earn a commission! That's not all...

Then there is a second tier commission that Groove has implemented. If you are a free member and someone clicked on your link and signed up and then refers someone through their link if that person upgrades I will get 5% of that commission!

Wrapping it Up

I could say so much more about GrooveFunnels and why I choose to use them! But honestly it is all about what works for you and your business. So if you have a platform that is working for you & you really like it then stick with them.If you are on the fence and are searching then click the button and check out Groove and see what you think.

The worst that could happen is you wasted some time looking into a FREE platform!

Check out Groove

**Disclaimer** The button above is my affiliate link. If you make a purchase I will make a percentage of the sale with no additional cost or bother to you. For further information check out my disclosure page.. 

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This site was built with GrooveFunnels.